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Xiuxiang Chu

Time:Dec 14, 15:43    Click:

Xiuxiang Chu received Ph. D. degree from National University of Defence Technology in 2009. Now, he is a professor, and is the tutor ofopticalengineering master. His major research fields include beam propagation,adaptive opticsandmachine vision.He presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation ofChina.He has published more than 50 papers, of which more than40 were included in SCI. He has been authorized2invention patents.

His representative papers are as follows:

1. Chu X, Quan S, Jing W, et al. Generating a Bessel-Gaussian beam for the application in optical engineering. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:18665.

2. Wen W, Chu X. Quantitative comparison of self-healing ability between Bessel–Gaussian beam and Airy beam. Annals of Physics, 2015, 360:549-555.

3. Chu X, Wen W. Quantitative description of the self-healing ability of a beam. Optics Express, 2014, 22(6):6899.

4. Chu X. Propagation of an Airy beam with a spiral phase. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(24):5202.

5. Chu X, Zhou G, Chen R. Analytical study of the self-healing property of Airy beams. Phys.Rev.A, 2012, 85(1):13815..

6. Xiuxiang Chu. Evolution of an Airy beam in turbulence. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(14):2701.

7. X. Chu, Z. Liu and Y. Wu, “Propagation of a general multi-Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere in a slant path”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 25, 74-79 (2008).

8. X. Chu and G. Zhou, “Power coupling of a two-Cassegrain telescope system inturbulent atmosphere in a slant path”, Optics Express 15 7697-7707 (2007).

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