

太阳集团tcy8722 > 师资队伍 > 教职名录 > 光学工程学科 > 正文


发布时间:2021-06-30    点击数:



目前从事非局域空间光孤子、光束传输调控、锁模光纤激光器等方面的基础研究工作,重点研究新颖光束在非局域介质中的传输特性及相关的应用探索。迄今为止,在Laser & Photonics Reviews、Chaos,Solitons&Fractals、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Physical Review A、Results in Physics、强激光与粒子束等国际国内期刊以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文10余篇,授权国家发明专利1项。Optics Express、AIP Advances、J. Adv. Res. Fluid Mech. Therm. Sc.等期刊审稿人。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、浙江省自然科学基金青年项目1项、浙江农林大学科学发展基金1项。承担本科生《大学物理》,研究生《激光光学》、《奇点光学》等课程的教学任务。




2021.05至今 浙江农林大学,太阳集团tcy8722,副教授

2021.03-2021.05 浙江农林大学,太阳集团tcy8722,讲师

2016.09-2020.12 华南师范大学,信息光电子科技学院,博士


1.Guo Liang*,Huicong Zhang*, Lei Fang, Qian Shou, Wei Hu, and Qi Guo*. Influence of transverse cross-phases on propagations of optical beams in linear and nonlinear regimes,Laser & Photonics Reviews,14(12):2000141 (2020) (中科院一区)

2.Junjie Li,Huicong Zhang*. Propagation dynamics of hybrid-order Poincarébeams in thermal nonlocal media,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 171: 113444 (2023) (中科院一区)

3.Junjie Li,Huicong Zhang*. Stability and adaptive evolution of higher-order vector vortex solitons in thermally nonlinear media with tunable transverse size,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 177: 114195 (2023) (中科院一区)

4.Huicong Zhang, Manna Chen, Ling Yang, Bo Tian, Chengjie Chen, Qi Guo, Qian Shou*, and Wei Hu*. Higher-charge vortex solitons and vector vortex solitons in strongly nonlocal media,Optics Letters, 44(12):3098-3101 (2019) (中科院二区)

5.Huicong Zhang*, Tao Zhou, Qian Shou, and Qi Guo*. Optical elliptic breathers in isotropic nonlocal nonlinear media,Optics Express, 30(6): 9336-9347 (2022) (中科院二区)

6.Huicong Zhang, Zhiwei Weng, Qian Shou, Qi Guo, and Wei Hu*.Instability suppression of vector vortex solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media,Physical Review A, 101(3): 033842 (2020)(中科院二区)

7.Huicong Zhang*, Tao Zhou, and Chaoqing Dai*. Stabilization of higher-order vortex solitons by means of nonlocal nonlinearity,Physical Review A, 105(1): 013520 (2022) (中科院二区)

8.Huicong Zhang*, Zhiwei Weng, and Jie Yuan.Vector vortex breathers in thermal nonlocal media,Optics Communications, 492: 126978 (2021)

9.Huicong Zhang*, Zhiwei Weng, and Jie Yuan.Stabilization of vector vortex beams in thermal nonlinear media,Optik, 238: 166686 (2021).

10.Tao Zhou, Junjie Li,Huicong Zhang*, Propagation characteristics of astigmatic elliptic vortex beams in nonlocal media with anisotropic nonlinearity,Results in Physics, 56: 107249 (2024) (中科院二区)

11.Jiajie Fang, Dasheng Mou, Yueyue Wang,Huicong Zhang*, Chaoqing Dai*, and Yixiang Chen. Soliton dynamics based on exact solutions of conformable fractional discrete complex cubic Ginzburg-Landau equation,Results in Physics, 20: 103710 (2021) (中科院二区)

12.Lu Wan, Tao Zhou, Jing Liu, Chaoqing Dai*, and Huicong Zhang*. Cylindrical vector beam generation from a hybrid multimode Q-switched mode-locked fiber laser,Infrared Physics and Technology, 137: 105187 (2024)

13.Jiajie Fang, Dasheng Mou,Huicong Zhang*, and Yueyue Wang*. Discrete fractional soliton dynamics of the fractional Ablowitz-Ladik model,Optik, 228: 166186 (2021)





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